What parents are saying

“Our boy is smart in many ways but some things were really challenging for him. We were a frustrated family! You immediately suggested some new strategies and we are already seeing results – in just two days!  My child’s spark is back!”

Mother of 10-year-old who didn’t want to go to school

“How do we fix a leak in a boat that is always taking on more water? That is how we felt about our daughter’s struggles in school. Now we have a plan with some very practical steps. Our relationship is infinitely better than before – thank you.”

Parents who wanted to know how to help with homework

“We felt lost. We wanted to help our daughter but we felt unable to give her the right support. Her teachers were frustrated too. We didn’t want to wait until she had fallen out of love with school to take action. Thanks to you we’ve made practical change at home and school and she is feeling much less misunderstood and the teacher less frustrated! Homework time has been cut in half!”

Parent of 10-year-old who was getting poor grades

“The change has been enormous. Home is more peaceful as we do not have to keep nagging and reminding our son about all the things he has to do. He gets ready for school in the morning, remembers his homework and does his homework without my help.   His teacher says our son is more focused in class and completes more work. Since we started working with Dr. Porter my son scored an A on his exam."

Mrs. M Sundvall     Sweden

“School was getting more difficult for our son who was becoming discouraged.  We were thrilled with the assessments that gave us amazing information about our son’s learning issues.  Now we have realistic recommendations to use with our son. The future looks bright.”

​Parents of 11 year old boy - Canada

“Thank you for all the wonderful work you’ve done helping me with my 8 year-old daughter.  Your professionalism and expertise came through loud and clear. As a result of your recommendations her performance has improved beyond measure.  We all want to take responsibility for our child’s growth and education but we just don’t know how. This is your area of expertise, thank you for sharing it with us.  You have so much to offer our future leaders and their parents. ”

​Ms. B. S.  - England